Hysterectomy Surgery – Dr.Anjila Aneja

Hysterectomy Surgery, the name itself is so mischievous and then how can the surgery be at ease. It is difficult to imagine the world of a woman when we talk about removing the uterus of a woman. How can she survive without that? How would bad health have gone when medical reasons support surgical removal of the uterus? Yes, it certainly is especially for those who are forced to do so without even having one single baby in their arms to embrace and nurture. Not only for a baby, but it does affect the entire functioning of a female’s human body with so many hormonal changes. The same was the case with me, but India laparoscopy surgery site- Group of surgeons and hospitals made it very smooth and easy going for me without any fear and stress.
Let me share with you my personal experience of Hysterectomy Surgery under the constant support and guidance of India laparoscopy surgery site- a group of surgeons and hospitals, a reputed medical tourism company in India.Menstruation is normal thing for women who are medically fit. When this part of the month turns out to be as horrific as a nightmare and brings life to a stand-still, you only pray for getting rid of it. I went through this pain for many months. And one day, all became normal when I chose to undergo hysterectomy by a very qualified doctor in India, Dr. Anjila Aneja and had successful hysterectomy surgery in India. This surgery has brought back the happiness in my life, and now I am more active than ever, enjoying every minute of my children’s activities.
Oops, I became so excited about the outcome of this treatment that I just jumped upon telling my story without introducing myself. Hello Friends, I am Merci Matthieu, I am a native of Malawi. I have four kids and all was going very fine till one day. My period has just ended and it was about 15th day that bleeding started again. And it was not just casual spotting, it was bad, to say the least. It was so bad that I had to call my mother to be with my kids as I was feeling a lot of pain in the back. Also, I was comfortable only when I was lying straight on my back with feet elevated. I started feeling very weak. When the bleeding did not stop even after the sixth day, I went to see my gynecologist.
She knew me thoroughly. I had taken treatment for PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) from her but did stop taking medicines when I started feeling better. So, she asked me to get a few tests done. She said, “I think it is a case of uterine fibroids.” The kind of bleeding I was suffering, I was scared like hell, and asked, “Madam, Is it cancer?” She said, “I really can’t confirm with pelvic examination.” She sent me for ultrasound telling me that she needs this test to find if there are fibroids and what their size is.
I took the test, and honestly, was not able to concentrate anywhere till the results did not come. I got the report and went to see the doctor. She said, “you have some fibroids which are causing you all this bleeding.” She pointed at one tumour-like thing and said, “this is the biggest one of all.” She got some more tests done to find its impact on my reproductive system such as womb and fallopian tubes, etc. On reading the report, the doctor said, “I would suggest going for hysterectomy.” This will help me find the permanent solution to this problem as untreated PID had shown its impact, and fibroid was worsening my situation. I felt devastated.
The doctor explained to me that hysterectomy is advisable when:
- Fibroids are large and many
- They have affected the reproductive organs
- Bleeding is too heavy and causing back pain, etc.
- When you have made up your mind not to have more babies.
I had not thought about the fourth point until now. So, I discussed the complete issue with my husband. He also agreed that my health is most important and his first priority. He told me that he was happy and satisfied with the family and certainly was in no mood to expand it. So, we both decided to go in favour of hysterectomy. But, where and how? It was another issue to tackle.
My family is well-to-do, the husband is earning great, but my country is not that advanced in terms of medical care. The patients do not prefer to get treated in my country due to very high costs of treatment, scarcity of doctors and painfully long waiting time. I needed something affordable, immediate and certainly within my budget.
One day, while discussing this with my husband, we stumbled upon a chance to know about medical tourism. Actually, my husband’s business partner’s mother suffered from an aneurysm of the brain. He took his mother to India to get the surgery done. He was sharing his experience with my husband when he came to see me with his family. Our eyes widened at the mere mention of medical tourism in India, and he looked like a God-sent angel to us. He was telling my husband:
- Medical tourism in India has helped millions of people from all over the world.
- This facility allows patients to go to India on a medical visa, get the surgery or treatment as applicable and come back to the home country.
- Two persons – the patient and one attendant - are granted a medical visa.
- The medical tourism company arranges for medical visas, tickets, hotel stay, doctor’s appointment and surgery, rehabilitation programs if required, and so on.
- These companies have pre-defined packages for various kinds of treatments; the cost of these packages comes out to be less than 50% of what is incurred in countries like the USA.
- The waiting time for surgery is less, and the visa also is granted on priority due to medical reasons.
All these things certainly brought a ray of hope to us. We felt like enquiring more about it and so my husband asked his partner how he approached the medical tourism company. The company he had chosen was India laparoscopy surgery site- a group of surgeons and hospitals and he had their number saved on his mobile phone. We took the number and waited eagerly for them to go so that we could talk to the company and find more about medical tourism services.
Since it was late at night, we first tried to find the time in India. According to Indian time, it was late evening. So, we made the call right then. The call was responded promptly by a male. He introduced himself and asked us who we were and why we were calling. We felt like telling him everything, he was so polite and friendly, but we just told the purpose that we wanted to know about how to get a hysterectomy surgery in India using medical tourism facility. He asked us to hold the line telling us that he was transferring our call to a representative who could explain in detail about the process and requirements.
This representative was very polite and friendly and was thoroughly professional in approach. She first told us not to worry about anything and boosted our mood with kind words. Then, she asked me what we wanted to know. We asked her:
- How could the India laparoscopy surgery site group help us with hysterectomy surgery in India?
- Which doctors would be doing surgery? And where?
- How soon we recover, and when can we go back?
She listened to all our questions carefully. She answered:
- India Laparoscopy Surgery Site- a Group of Surgeons and Hospitals takes care of all the aspects of getting medical treatments and surgery in India. The company arranges for medical visas, book flights and hotel rooms assign concierge who coordinates with a doctor for appointment and surgery, and also offers intracity transfer support.
- The best gynecologists in India working in the most reputed hospitals having an impeccable track record take our case.
- Doctors take surgery of medical tourists on priority and people can go back within a month; the final status is told by a doctor, though.
She suggested me to send my reports to her for which she gave me her email ID. She asked me if I could confirm who I would be travelling with. I assured her to arrange sending reports and documents fastest possible and hung up. My husband was very much convinced and felt that it really was the right thing to do. We had scanned reports from the hospital where we were getting treatment in our city. So, we forwarded the same to India Laparoscopy Surgery Site group representative. She called us to confirm the receipt of reports and asked us to wait for 2-3 days. I was feeling as if I was sitting on some hot chair all those days and waited all the time for the call. My bleeding was not showing any sign of improvement, which was another reason for my frustration. Anyway, India laparoscopy surgery site people were very prompt in their actions and got back to me within three days. She shared with me:
- Hysterectomy is a very normal procedure, though a big surgery.
- Doctors in India had advised for the same
- They estimated my return within a week after surgery, as there was no other complication with me.
We were now mentally prepared for the surgery. So, we sent India laparoscopy surgery site representative the documents she needed after choosing the doctor from the list that she gave to us over email. I had chosen Dr. Anjila Aneja top gynecology surgeon in India. I actually enquired about her in detail and found her work really impressive. She was working with the best hospital in India and was placed at the capital. We could reach that city directly from our country. So, it sounded quite feasible to me and time-saving too.
India laparoscopy surgery site representative affirmed that our choice of doctor was really good. She was thorough with the knowledge in the field of gynecology and obstetrics. India laparoscopy surgery site representative promised us that our case will be taken on priority and that all visa related formalities will be done in about a month’s time. We waited eagerly for the process to complete. Meanwhile, we found more about the doctor and medical tourism. Every fact about this service was commendable and it really was worth trying. The testimonials sounded great and the service had certainly changed the lives of the people for better.
Finally, we got the call we were eagerly waiting for. The representative from India laparoscopy surgery site- Group of surgeons and hospitals, confirmed to us that our medical visa was done and that our tickets were booked for the next month. The doctor's availability was coordinated with our travel time and so we were supposed to meet her as soon as we landed. All tickets, hotel information, concierge information, hospital details, etc. were sent to us on email. We had the phone number of the India laparoscopy surgery site representative who would be attending to us at the airport also ready with us. It all looked well-organized and we hoped all this to end well. We eagerly waited for the travel date to come and spent a lot of time to adjust the kids to impending changes. My mother supported me a lot in all of this and kids were mentally prepared to see me off.
The day we landed in India was the 15th of November, 2015. I was 42 at that time and had just celebrated my birthday a week before. We all prayed together for my health and recovery and promised to each other not to lose hope. The moment we landed in India; India laparoscopy surgery site representative was waiting for us at the meeting point of the airport. He called us to give his location and was standing right there holding a placard of our names. We had the name of the hospital with us, he confirmed the same and told us that he knew all about our impending stay and that we could trust him. The conversation was really nice and comforting and the coordinator was very warm and genuinely caring. He was behaving very professionally and kept us informed about every next step in advance.
The hotel India laparoscopy surgery site representative had chosen for us was exquisite, at least to say. It was far superior to what I imagined and our suite was the best of their inventory. It was very spacious and warm and there was a dedicated concierge given to us who coordinated with India laparoscopy surgery site representative to give us the best experience. We rested and waited to meet the doctor. Our meeting was due on the 16th of November at 12 pm.
We arrived at the Fortis Hospital Delhi and were straightaway taken to the doctor. She had assigned her time exclusively to us and was waiting for us in her cabin. She greeted me very warmly and asked how I was feeling. I told her about my condition, and she asked me various questions, such as:
- Were my deliveries normal?
- How often I was bleeding?
- Was there any pain?
I told her everything that she asked. Then, she examined me again and did a small screening to get an idea about the condition of fibroid. I asked her:
- Was the surgery necessary?
- Will it have any risks?
- How soon will I recover?
She told me that surgery was necessary as my reproductive organs were now doing bad to me instead of good and could become a source of serious infection. She said that hysterectomy is a major but common procedure and survival rate is 99%, I would be able to walk within 6 weeks of surgery, she explained further. We were shown videos and diagrams to understand the procedure completely. I was terrified but certainly knew it was the best solution for me.The doctor had got the operation theatre available for us on priority. She asked us to come the next day and got some tests done which she needed to carry out the procedure. She wished me good luck and told that I would be continuously monitored and that there was nothing to worry about. I smiled and just wanted it to be over as early as possible. My husband waited at the lounge and India laparoscopy surgery site representative stayed with him throughout the operation.
She explained to my husband the complete follow-up plan. We were clear that it was not possible now to conceive, and it was all fine. We really did not need babies, and so this outcome did not affect us at all.Back to the present, I am very active and doing all things like a normal person after successful hysterectomy surgery in India. My sex life is great too. I am really grateful to Dr. Anjila, India Laparoscopy Surgery Site- Group of Surgeons and Hospitals and the staff of my hotel who took very good care of during my stay in India and made my surgery a cakewalk for me. Thank You, Team! Thank You,everyone!
The surgery took about an hour in total, including preparations and the main procedure. The name of my procedure was LAVH – Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy. It was a minimally invasive procedure and I could walk within 12 hours after the procedure. The doctor was very happy with my attitude and progress and encouraged me to walk as often as possible. She, however, told me not to lift objects. She told me in detail about the recovery procedure and asked me to refrain from sex for about 6 weeks. She asked me to rest for a day in the hospital and then I was discharged. She saw me again on the third day of surgery. She helped me in doing various things and asked many times if I had any kind of discomfort doing anything. I was doing well.
- Simple booking procedure
- Quick medical visa facility
- Safe and comfortable accommodation
- 24/7 full patient support services
- Excellent quality of services