Pediatric Urosurgery in India is a surgical subspecialty that deals with disorders of genitourinary systems in children. Best pediatric urologists in India provide care from birth to early adult age and emphasis on the special needs of children which are sometimes potentially sensitive and embarrassing-related to the genitalia and voiding problems. Often they use equipments that are designed especially for children and this makes them cooperate and feel relaxed.
The possible challenges in front of pediatric surgery in India are as follows:
- Undescended testes or cyptorchidism
- Bladder control problems such as bedwetting and daytime urinary incontinence
- Epispadias
- Hypospadias
- Chordee and other minor malformations of the penis
- Urolithiasis or bladder and kidney stones
- Urinary obstruction and vesiocoureteral reflux
- Tumors and cancer of the kidneys
- Phimosis
- Repair of genitourinary trauma
- Antenatal hydronephrosis
- Neurogenic bladder associated with spina bifida
- Genitourinary malformations and birth defects
- Cloacal exstrophy, epispadias and bladder exstrophy
- Prune belly syndrome
- Ambiguous genitalia and intersex conditions
Why Visit Pediatric Urologists in India?
If your child has an illness or disease of the genitals or the urinary tract i.e. ureter, kidneys, bladder then pediatric urologists have experience and qualifications to treat your child. Most pediatric urologists in India are associated with top hospitals for pediatric urosurgery in India. The Pediatric Urosurgery is practiced by pediatric surgeons with a special interest or training in pediatric urology as well as adult urologists who get trained in the pediatric urology.
The pediatric urologists in India are medical doctors having a minimum of 4 years of medical school, one to two years of surgical residency, a minimum of 4 additional years of residency training in general urology and one to three years of additional fellowship training in pediatric urology. Most of them have devoted a minimum 75% of their practice to the urologic problems of infants, children, and adolescents. Basically pediatric urologists are surgeons diagnosing, treating and managing urinary and genital problems in children.
The following services are provided by the pediatric urologists:
- Evaluate and manage voiding disorders, urinary tract infections and vesico-ureteric reflux which needs surgery
- Surgery for groin conditions in childhood and adolescence such as hydrocele/hernia, Undescended testes and varicocele
- Evaluate and manage the urological tract problems identified before birth
- Surgical reconstruction of the urinary tract i.e. kidneys, ureter, and bladder including genital abnormalities, Hypospadias, and disorders of sex development
- Evaluate and manage the urinary tract problems related to neurological conditions such as spina bifida
- Surgical management of tumors and malignancies of the bladder, kidney and testis
- Kidney stone disease evaluation and surgical management
Today, you can find pediatric urologists in almost every state and all the major cities across India. As children are not just small adults, they may not be always patient and cooperative during a medical exam or answer medical questions or tell what is bothering them, so pediatric urologists are trained to focus care on the special needs of children and their parents. Even on the potentially sensitive and embarrassing subjects related to the genitalia and voiding problems the pediatric urologists know how to perform the examination and treat children in a way which makes the cooperate and relax.
Moreover they use equipments specially designed for children as it helps them to create a comfortable and non-threatening environment for the child. The child can visit a pediatric urologist as suggested by his/her pediatrician and you can be assured that he/she has the widest range of treatment options, the greatest expertise in dealing with children, the most extensive and comprehensive training and treating children’s urinary tract disorders.
Pediatric Urology Conditions
There are a variety of pediatric urology conditions involving the genital and urinary tracts and most of times these are present at birth and diagnosed as early as prenatally or in infancy. Most of these are treated and resolved early in life sometimes through surgical reconstruction. However some conditions are acquired during childhood.
Hydrocele - It occurs due to the fluid buildup in the thin pouch or tunica vaginal is holding the testes in the scortum. About one in ten baby boys have a hydrocele at birth. In most cases it goes away without treatment within the first year.
Urinary Tract Infection - This is an inflammation of part of the system which takes the urine out of the body which is caused by bacteria. It occurs more frequently in girls than in boys and characterized by a change in the urinary patterns, unusual odor to the urine or blood in the urine.
Neurogenic Bladder - It is a disorder resulting from interferences in the nerve pathways which sends the signals to the bladder regarding the urination.
Undescended Testes - A condition in which at least one testicle fails to move into the scrotal sac as the male fetus develops. Usually this condition is seen in some newborn baby boys. This gets resolves on its own in most cases during the first year of life itself.
Antenatal Hydronephrosis - When the kidney enlarges due to the fluid before birth then this condition occurs. Typically it is diagnosed with the prenatal ultrasound.
Hernia - This is when an organ is displaced and protrudes through the tissues a weakened area.
Vesicoureteral Reflux - Often the vesicouretal reflux (VUR) is a condition diagnosed during a prenatal ultrasound or after a urinary tract infection in which the urine from the bladder backs up into the ureter.
Nocturnal Enuresis - Bed wetting in children under the age of 3 is normal as they don’t have full bladder control. However they become more able to control their bladder once they get older. But when the bedwetting beyond the age at which a child is expected to remain dry due to inability to control their bladder, it is called as nocturnal enuresis. This is thought to be caused by a developmental delay in the bladder and often something which a child outgrows.
Spina Bifida - It occurs during the fetal development when a neural tube defect in which the tissue surrounding the spinal cord fails to close properly.
Hypospadias - In this congenital condition the opening of the urethra, the tube carrying urine from the body is one the underside of the penis instead of at the tip. Usually this is diagnosed during infancy.
Hydronephrosis - This is a condition where an obstruction in the urinary tract which causes swelling of the kidneys.
Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction - This is blockage of the flow of urine in the area where the ureter meets the kidney.
Circumcision Issues - Circumcision is a surgery for removing the foreskin, skin covering the end of the penis. Most often the surgery is done 1 or 2 days after a baby boy’s birth.
Bladder Exstrophy - This congenital anomaly is also called ectopia vesicae exits along the spectrum of the exstroophy-epispadias complex. Most notably it includes protrusion of the urinary bladder through a defect in the abdominal wall.
Kidney Stones - Also known as renal lithiasis or nephrolithiasis, they are hard deposits made of minerals and salts forming inside your kidneys. They have many causes and can affect any part of your urinary tract from the kidneys to your bladder. Usually the stones form when the urine becomes concentrated which allows the minerals to crystallize and stick together. Passing the kidney stones can be quite painful however the stones usually cause no permanent damage if recognized in a timely fashion.
Cloacal Extrophy - This is a severe birth defect wherein much of the abdominal organs such as the intestines and the bladder are exposed. Often it causes the splitting of the genitalia, bladder and the anus.
Epispadias - A rare type of malformation of penis in which the urethra ends in an opening on the upper aspect of the penis is known as epispadias. This can also develop in females when the urethra develops too far anteriorly. Episapadias occurs in around 1 in 120,000 males and 1 in 500,000 female births.
Urology Treatment Procedures for children
The most common urologic surgical procedures include:
Routinely Ureteral reimplants - It involves the surgical re-positioning or reimplantation of the original ureter in the bladder wall. In this new position, the end of the ureter is surrounded by bladder muscle that prevents urine from refluxing or backing up towards the bladder.
Nephrectomy - This involves the surgical removal of a kidney.
Ureteral stent placement - A thin tube inserted into the ureter which prevents or treats the obstruction of the urine flow from the kidney.
Pyeloplasty - This is defined as a surgical reconstruction of the renal pelvis, a part of the kidney to drain and decompress the kidney. The goal of the surgery is relieving uretero-pelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction in nearly all cases.
Cystoscopy - This is an endoscopy of the urinary bladder via the urethra which is carried out with an instrument called a cystoscope.
Hyposapdias - The goal of this surgical correction is to reconstruct a straight penis with a urethral opening as close to the tip of the penis as possible.
Orchiopexy - This surgery is performed for moving an undescended testicle into the scortum and permanently fixes it there.
Circumcision - This involves the surgical removal of some or all of the foreskin or prepuce from the penis.
Inguinal Hernia Repair - It is a surgery done to repair a hernia in the groin.
Excision Hydrocele - The surgical excision is done for treating a hydrocele testis.
Scrotoplasty - Also known as oscheoplasty it is a reparative or plastic surgery of the scortum. It is also a part of the surgical options for trans men and one of the several operations done to transform or reform the external genitalia into a penis and a scrotum.
Meatoplasty - Also called as the urethral meatus, in this surgery the opening of the penis is enlarged.
Repair of buried penis/penile torsion repair

Baby. Anh Nguyen, Vietnam
Hypospadias Surgery
Getting the procedure for Hypospadias for my son was a critical decision because we never expected that he would have any issues at such a young age. He was experiencing constant pain and discomfort, so we did not want to take any risk as he was already very vulnerable due to so much pain. That’s when a family friend recommended us to consult the team IndiaLaparoscopySurgery Team for a perfect treatment for the Hypospadias condition. After a telephonic conversation with them, we were sure that they would be the best to assist with his surgery. It was quite tough for us it was major surgery for our little one. However, after all the pain and a long surgery the result was a complete success.
Now, its been more than 7 months since the Hypospadias operation and my son is passing urine with no pain and no complications. We will always be thankful to them and recommend their services as the best paediatric urology surgery consultants and that too at affordable price in India.
Before and After Surgery Recommended Tips:
Best Pediatric Urology Hospitals in India are committed to offer the highest quality urological care to the children across the globe. Our surgeons at the hospitals are all fully-qualified, fellowship-trained pediatric urologists and recognized for their special expertise in treating the urological problems of neonates, infants, children and teenagers.
Here are few recommended tips before and after surgery:
Before Surgery
Check with all the necessary documents you’ll need to give the hospital and also complete filling the form before visiting. Print them out and bring them with you. Ensure to keep us up to date with any changes to your phone number, address, insurance, or a change in your primary care physician as we may need to reach you regarding prior authorization of your child's procedure or any changes to your arrival time at the surgical facility.
Do not give your child the medications such as Advil, Motrin, Aspirin or Ibuprofen for 14 days before surgery. Acetaminophen or Tylenol is okay to use. If you experience any symptoms of illness such as rash, fever, cold within a week of surgery then let us know about it. Our staff at associated hospitals will help to determine whether or not your child is healthy enough for surgery. You can reach us anytime to discuss your child's symptoms as we provide 24/7 services.
Surgery day
The doctor will give you important information on what your child may eat or drink before surgery. Ensure to understand the feeding instructions and follow them carefully. Surgery may be cancelled or delayed in case your child eats or drinks after the given times. Bring with you pacifier, special blanket to help comfort for your child, change of loose clothes for your child to wear home. A parent of a legal guardian must be present at the surgical facility before, during and after the surgery. Make arrangements for siblings to stay home on the day of surgery as this will allow you to fully participate in your child’s care.
After Surgery
The doctor will provide you with post-operative instructions for your child's procedure.
The treatments for the pediatric urology conditions are customized as per every child’s needs. The treatments include the behavioural modification, medical management and surgery.
In case of needing a surgery, then the minimally invasive techniques and the robotic-assisted surgery are used as this ensures less pain, minimum scarring and recovery time. Fill up the enquiry form to know the pediatric urology surgery cost in India.
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