What is Hiatus Hernia?
A hiatus hernia or hiatal hernia is when part of the stomach squeezes up into the chest through an opening (hiatus) in the diaphragm. A diaphragm is a large, thin sheet of muscle between the chest and the abdome
What is Hiatus Hernia?
A hiatus hernia or hiatal hernia is when part of the stomach squeezes up into the chest through an opening (hiatus) in the diaphragm. A diaphragm is a large, thin sheet of muscle between the chest and the abdomen.
Who's Affected by Hiatus Hernia?
Anyone can be affected by a hiatus hernia, but it’s more common in people who are:

- 50 years and above
- Pregnant
- Overweight
It is estimated that one third of people over 50 years have a hiatus hernia.
There is also a rare type of hiatus hernia which affected the newborn babies. This is caused by a congenital defect of the stomach or diaphragm.
Types of Hiatus Hernia:
There are two main types of hiatus hernia:
- Sliding Hiatus Hernias: Hernias which move up and down, in and out of the chest area. More than 80% of hiatus hernias are of this type.
- Para-oesophageal Hiatus Hernias: It is also called as rolling hiatus hernias, where the part of the stomach pushes up through the hole in the diaphragm next to the oesophagus. Approximately 5-15% of hiatus hernias are of this type.
What are the Causes of Hiatus Hernia?
Though the exact cause of hiatus hernia is not clear, but it may be the result of the diaphragm becoming weak with age or due to the pressure on the abdomen.
Sometimes, the hiatus hernia can occur in newborn babies of the diaphragm or the stomach does not develop properly.
Usually, a hiatus hernia can be diagnosed with an X-ray test called a barium swallow and meal. The patient is made to drink a glassful of contrast and a series of X-ray films are obtained which show whether the stomach or a part of it lies above the diaphragm muscle and whether a person has a hiatus hernia. Most patients require an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, where the doctor visually examines the oesophagus and stomach using a flexible telescope. In some cases, a CT scan may be required to find out which part of the stomach has slipped up into the chest.
Treatment Options:
The patients having sliding hiatus hernia and the associated gastroesophageal reflux disease are often advised dome lifestyle changes and medications as the first line of treatment.
- Lifestyle Modifications:
- Caffeine or coffee
- Nicotine (cigarettes)
- Fatty or oily foods
- Chocolates
- Alcohol
- Medications: Some patients with severe symptoms may be prescribed drugs to reduce the secretion of the stomach acid or to increase the muscle strength of the lower oesophagus in order to reduce the acid reflux.
- Surgery: All patients with hiatus hernia do not need surgery. The patients with a sliding hiatus hernia will require surgery only if they have severe symptoms of the gastroesophageal reflux, cannot tolerate long term medications, unwilling to take long term medication or develop complications such as stricture. While, the patients diagnosed with rolling or paraesophasgeal hernia will be advised surgery, even if they do not have symptoms, since this type of hernia is likely to procedure serious and life-threatening complications. The hiatus hernia surgery can be performed either with the traditional open operation or with a laparoscopic keyhole surgery.
Avoid foods or substances that increase the reflux of acid into the oesophagus such as:

If you are overweight, you will be advised to lose weight since obesity is likely to increase the abdominal pressure.
Eat smaller yet more frequent meals.
Avoid bending, abdominal exercises, stooping or tight belts that increase the abdominal pressure that causes reflux.
Not to eat within 2-3 hours of bedtime.
At nighttime elevate the head end of the bed up to 8-10 inches by putting the pillows or a wedge under the upper part of the mattress. Gravity will help keep the stomach acid out of the oesophagus while sleeping.
What is laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia Surgery?
A laparoscopic hiatus hernia surgery is a minimally invasive approach which involves specialized video equipments and instruments that allow the surgeon to repair a hiatus hernia via several small incisions, most of which are less than half centimeters in size.
The concept of this surgery remains same as in the open approach. The organs which have herniated into the chest are reduced back into the abdomen, the hernia sac is then removed and the diaphragm is repaired using either sutures or a piece of mesh and the part of the stomach is then wrapped partially or completely around the oesophagus. This will prevent the further reflux symptoms.
- The laparoscopic method requires much less cutting of the tissues.
- There is significantly less pain after the operation compared to an open approach.
- Patients will be able to return to normal activities faster.
- Patients undergoing this approach will have fewer and smaller scars.
- You will need a shorter hospitalization post surgery.
- Minimal adverse complications.
Best Surgeons for Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia Surgery in India
The best surgeons for the laparoscopic hiatus hernia surgery in India are well-qualified and have been trained in the top medical schools across the globe. They use the latest technology and specialized instruments which enhances the surgeon’s ability to perform the minimally invasive surgeries with improved visualization. Well trained, competent and qualified staff nurses, support the surgeons to take care of the patients.
Top Hospitals for Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia Surgery in India
The top hospitals for laparoscopic hiatus hernia surgery in India have state of the art technology and world class infrastructure along with the highly skilled medical team who provides comprehensive care and medical services to the patients. They have modern surgical suites with facilities for the minimal access procedures and are equipped with the latest technology backed with gadgets offering the patients with the highest level of comfort and safety. We offer the basic and advanced laparoscopic procedure for hernia management with very low recurrence for even the most complicated case.
The top 5 hospitals for laparoscopic hiatus hernia surgery in India are: Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai, Artemis Hospital, Delhi, Fortis Healthcare Hospitals, Gurgaon, Chennai, Hyderabad, Max Healthcare Hospital, New Delhi and Columbia Asia Hospitals, Ahmedabad and Pune.
How is this Surgery Performed?
The laparoscopic hiatus hernia repair is performed under general anaesthesia. This procedure will take around 30 minutes. There are three small incisions made in the abdomen. The hernia is visualized with a telescopic camera. It is reduced using specialized laparoscopic instruments and a mesh which is placed over the weakness in the abdominal wall.
What Should I Expect After Undergoing this Surgery?
After the operation, most patients take clear liquids next day and remain on a full liquid diet starting two days post surgery and return back to normal diet in two weeks. Typically, the hospital stay is about 1-2 days and most patients can return back to their normal activities after two weeks.
- How long will I be in hospital?
- How will I feel after surgery?
- How long before I can exercise again?

A patient can go home either on the same day of the surgery or after an overnight stay.
Compared to the open hernia repair surgery, the pain is much less with the laparoscopic approach. You will feel a bruising sensation and the pain can be controlled with the painkillers which are prescribed on discharge from the hospital. You will be required to take the painkillers for one or two weeks following the operation but should be able to return back to work and light activities within a few days of surgery.
Following this surgery, you will be able to increase your activity levels within days of the operation. This would require longer and longer walks and do more activities around the house. You will be encouraged to perform aerobic activity in the gym one week post surgery. Avoid lifting heavy weights for one month after surgery.
Cost of Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia Surgery in India
The cost comparison of laparoscopic hiatus hernia surgery in India is quite affordable than the cost in other developed nations. The low cost laparoscopic hiatus hernia surgery in India attracts many international patients to get their surgery done in India. You can check the following table to get a clear idea about the cost difference of laparoscopic hiatus hernia surgery:
What do we Provide?
IndiaLaparoscopySurgeryite.com are the pioneers of medical tourism in India. We put forward a cost –effective laparoscopic hiatus hernia surgery at the best hospitals of India. Our associate hospitals are JCI credited and strictly adheres to international norms of laparoscopic hiatus hernia surgery. Our associate hospitals have surgical teams lead by the best laparoscopic surgeons of India. The surgeons at these hospitals are highly skilled and hold expertise in all types of laparoscopic surgeries.
Planning laparoscopic hiatus hernia surgery in India with us is a simple and clutter free process. IndiaLaparoscopySurgeryite.com offers you;
- A transparency in planning your medical visit to India.
- Best surgical options available in India those are cost-effective too!
- Complete value for your hard earned money.
- One on one assistance throughout your visit.
- Comprehensive foreign language assistance when required.
- Personalized care by our dedicated hospitality staff.
- Complete assistance in planning your visit, including travel, hospital stay, appointments with doctors.
If you are really seeking for the Low Cost Hiatus Hernia Repair Surgery in India, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation by our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding Low Cost Hiatus Hernia Repair Surgery in India you are seeking for.