What is Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy is a kind of bariatric surgery / weight loss surgery. This surgery is a restrictive procedure that reduces the size of the stomach and limits food intake, thereby promoting weight-loss.
Why it is performed?

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is performed to manage obesity and stimulate weight-loss in severely obese individuals. Obesity or overweight is a medical problem that is closely associated with conditions like heart disease, hypertension, skeletal problems and diabetes. If not managed promptly, obesity can result in disability and morbidity. Sleeve gastrectomy is the choice of procedure for managing obesity when all conservative interventions fail. During sleeve gastrectomy procedure, 5-7 small incisions are made on the abdomen. Through one of these incision laparoscope (a long instrument with video camera at its tip) is introduced into the abdomen. By aid of laparoscope a large part of stomach is removed and a sleeve or tubular structure is left behind.Sleeve gastrectomy is a minimal invasive procedure and takes1-2 hours to complete.
What are the outcomes/results of Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery?
Sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive surgery. It significantly reduces the size of the stomach and limits the amount of food that can be eaten at one time. Small sleeve or tube shaped stomach that is remained after surgery gets full with small amount of food and the person feels satiety even after eating less food. This procedure doesn't hamper the absorption of food because any parts of the intestines are not removed. Over the time, eating less amount of food results in a decrease in production of hunger hormone and suppresses the appetite. This augments the weight-loss in an individual.
Who should be fit for this surgery?
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is advised for person who have very high BMI (35 or above) or who are at risk for undergoing long duration procedures due to underlying heart or lung problem. Sleeve gastrectomy is also suggested for individuals who are over-weight and have BMI less than 30 along with medical conditions like;diabetes, hypertension and heart disease .Sleeve gastrectomy is often used as a part of staged approach to weight-loss in obese people and is followed by gastric by-pass surgery.
Recovery time and Budget for this surgery?
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is a minimal invasive procedure. Usually a patient is advised to stay overnight in hospital following this surgery. The recovery takes place in 1-2 week and most of the patients resume work after 2 weeks; while other have to wait for few more days until the post-surgical pain subsides.The average cost of sleeve gastrectomy in India is about 6,600 USD. It is quite low as compared to cost in US and UK that are 23,000USD AND 17,000USD respectively.
Are there any side effects of Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery?
Sleeve gastrectomy is comparably a safer procedure than gastric by-pass surgery. The common risks associated with sleeve gastrectomy includes: bleeding from site of incision, infection at site of incision, surgical injury to other organs of abdominal cavity or need to convert to an open procedure. But the overall incidences of any of these side effects are less than 1%.
Advantages/Benefits of Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery
The benefits of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy are:
- Patient are expected to lose 40-70% of their excess body weight in first year of surgery
- It helps to improves blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels
- Assist in managing type II diabetes, hypertension , breathing difficulties, skeletal problems and coronary heart disease
- Manages obesity induced depression, anxiety and obstructive sleep disorders
- Improves functional mobility of an individual
- Significant weight loss can boost confidence and improve self-esteem of an individual.
How we help you in this?
Low cost sleeve gastrectomy attracts a large number of medical tourists to India. The pros of having sleeve gastrectomy in India is, you get best in class surgical/medical care without compromising on the quality of the procedure. Having sleeve gastrectomy in India help you to achieve the perfect shape you deeply yearn for without making a hole in your pocket! We at IndiaLaparoscopySurgerySite offer you a low-cost weight-loss surgery at the best hospitals of India. Our associate hospitals are JCI credited and strictly adheres to international norms of bariatric surgery. The surgeons who perform sleeve gastrectomy in India are highly skilled and hold expertise in all types of bariatric surgery. Planning sleeve gastrectomy in India with us is a simple and clutter free process. IndiaLaparoscopySurgerySite offers you;
- A transparency in planning your medical visit to India
- Best surgical options available in India those are cost-effective too!
- One on one assistance throughout your visit
- Personalized care by our dedicated hospitality staff
- Complete assistance in planning your visit including travel, hospital stay, appointments with doctors
- Assistance in planning a tour to various scenic places across India that will help you to recuperate well after surgery