Laparoscopic bariatric surgery in India
What is laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery?
'Bariatric surgery' is a term used for all types of weight-loss surgeries. These surgeries are indicated in severely obese individuals who did not respond to non-surgical methods of weight-loss. The bariatric surgery when done with the aid of a tiny video camera or laparoscope is termed as ‘laparoscopic weight loss surgery’. A laparoscopic bariatric surgery is a minimal invasive surgical procedure, in which part of stomach /intestine are removed or restricted and rearrange. Hence, causing limitation of food intake and absorption of nutrients from the gut; thereby weight-loss.

'Bariatric surgery' is a term used for all types of weight-loss surgeries. These surgeries are indicated in severely obese individuals who did not respond to non-surgical methods of weight-loss. The bariatric surgery when done with the aid of a tiny video camera or laparoscope is termed as 'laparoscopic weight loss surgery'. A laparoscopic bariatric surgery is a minimal invasive surgical procedure, in which part of stomach /intestine are removed or restricted and rearrange. Hence, causing limitation of food intake and absorption of nutrients from the gut; thereby weight-loss.
Who is a Candidate for laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery?
The criteria of electing candidate for a gastric bypass surgery include:
- Individuals with BMI 40 or higher
- Individuals with BMI 35- 39.9 and underlying obesity-related health problem like; cardiovascular disease, type -2 diabetes, sleep disorders, stroke, hypertension and chronic acid reflux
- In rare case, individual with BMI 30-34 and life threatening weight-related problem
What can one expect after laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery?
After a laparoscopic Bariatric surgery, usually patients are not allowed to eat for 2-3 days to ensure proper healing of stomach and intestine. After 3rd day a liquid diet is started that is followed by a soft diet in next few days. A specific diet plan is to be followed for about 12 weeks after surgery; the diet plan may restrict certain food or amount of food/drinks to be taken. Routine health checkups and lab tests are expected for monitoring of weight-loss. Some individual are likely to face issues like body aches, fatigue, hair loss, dry skin and mood swing in first 3-6 months after surgery. These issues are related rapid weight loss in first few months after the surgery.
Benefits of Bariatric Surgery
Laparoscopic Bariatric surgeries aren’t any quick-fix surgery; careful monitoring of diet and regular exercises is essential to achieve weight-loss after this surgery. By apt life style modifications an individual can lose up to half of the excess weight within first two years after surgery. Along with weight-loss, gastric bypass surgery also help to manage conditions like cardiovascular disease, type -2 diabetes, sleep disorders, stroke, hypertension and chronic acid reflux
Life after Bariatric Surgery
Weight-loss occurs as desired within first two years of bariatric surgery. Sincere life style changes are required for long-term effectiveness of surgery. Restriction from food rich in cholesterol, saturated fats and salt is mandatory. A well-balanced diet enriched with fiber, minerals and vitamins is helpful in augmenting weight-loss. Complete restriction/moderation of alcohol intake and smoking is required. Along with these changes, daily engaging in an optimum level of physical exercises are also suggested after bariatric surgery.
What is the cost of laparoscopic bariatric surgery in India?
The laparoscopic weight-loss surgery in India costs from 5000- 7000USD, which is quite low, compared to cost of same procedure in US or UK.
How it is better choice to choose India for laparoscopic bariatric surgery?
India offers the best in class and cost-effective health care facilities. The best hospitals across India are dedicated in providing optimum health care with compassion. These hospitals are equipped with latest medical technologies and harvest the best medical talent. The surgeons of India are highly professional, well-qualified and renowned in world for skills and expertise in all genera of laparoscopic weight-loss surgeries. The best option available for laparoscopic obesity surgery in India includes high-end surgeries like:
- Laparoscopic gastric binding
- Laparoscopic gastric bypass
- Laparoscopic roux-en Y gastric bypass surgery
- Laparoscopic malabsorptive surgery
- Laparoscopic restrictive surgery
Types of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeries
- Malabsorptive Bariatric surgery
- Bilopancreatic diversion
- Jejunoileal bypass surgery
- Ileal transposition surgery/ laparoscopic surgery for diabetes
- Endoluminal sleeve surgery
- Restrictive Bariatric surgery
- Adjustable gastric banding
- Sleeve gastrectomy
- Vertical sleeve gastroplasty
- Gastric balloon surgery
- Gastric placation
- Mixed Bariatric surgery
- Gastric bypass surgery
- Implantable gastric stimulation surgery
- Sleeve gastrectomy with duodenal switch
What do we provide? are the pioneers of medical tourism in India. We put forward a cost –effective laparoscopic bariatric surgery at the best hospitals of India. Our associate hospitals are JCI credited and strictly adheres to international norms of laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Our associate hospitals have surgical teams lead by the best laparoscopic surgeons of India. The surgeons at these hospitals are highly skilled and hold expertise in all types of laparoscopic obesity surgeries. Planning laparoscopic bariatric surgery in India with us is a simple and clutter free process. offers you;
- A transparency in planning your medical visit to India
- Best surgical options available in India those are cost-effective too!
- Complete value to your hard earned money
- One on one assistance throughout your visit
- Comprehensive foreign language assistance when required
- Personalized care by our dedicated hospitality staff
- Complete assistance in planning your visit including travel, hospital stay, appointments with doctors
- Assistance in planning a tour to various scenic places across India that will help you to recuperate well after surgery, if desired