Asian Heart Institute has a state of the art infrastructure, aesthetically designed building and world-class facilities. Healthcare in India has come of age when you drive into the Asian Heart Institute (AHI), just 15 minutes from the Mumbai International airport. Located in the Bandra-Kurla Complex, the institute is modeled after the famous Cleveland Clinic, rated the number one heart hospital in the world.

What sets AHI apart is that it is founded by six leading cardiac specialists, who decided to plug the gap in the existing healthcare scenario in India, by setting up an institute based on ethics, quality care and professionalism. The accent is on providing maximum comfort and care to patients at an affordable cost. And indeed, the institute not only provides more space but also takes utmost care. All patient areas have been designed to minimize the risk of infection.
The cardiology team of Dr. Sudhir Vaishnav trained at London Chest hospital and a M.Phil from London University, Dr. Sandip Rane, Dr. Bhaskar Shah, Dr. Tilak Suvarna and Dr. Rajeev Karnik trained in UK and Mayo Clinic USA, have a cumulative experience of over 10000 diagnostic procedures and over 5000 therapeutic interventional procedures in adults as well as children, including angioplasties, both coronary and peripheral, valvuloplasties and closure of congenital heart defects.
The surgical team of Dr. Panda trained at Cleveland clinic Foundation USA, Dr. Mahesh Singh, advance training in Cardio thoracic surgery and Cardiac transplantation through Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Dr. Pradyot Kumar Rath trained on minimally invasive procedures in Utrecth (Netherlands) & Leipzig (Germany ) Dr Kamles Kumar Saha trained at Mayo clinic Rochester USA and Christchurch Public Hospital New Zealand and Dr Smruti Ranjan Mohanty Consultant Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon trained at CS Motts children Hospital, An Arbor Michigan, boast one of the safest results in the world with a mortality rate of less than 0.6% in isolated coronary bypass surgery in high-risk patients the last five years. They are among the country's pioneers in arterial grafting, redo (second) bypass surgery, surgery on high-risk patients and minimally invasive bypass surgery.
In its short span, Asian Heart Institute has already begun attracting patients from over 35 countries like the US, UK, Kenya, UAE, Oman, Mauritius, Australia, East Africa and many more. With the setting up of hospitals like AHI in India, it is not surprising that the world is looking at the country as a major healthcare destination. The International Centre of Asian Heart Institute provides seamless service for the convenience of their international patients, their family members and referring physicians.
No effort has been spared to get the best of facilities. The institute boasts:
The 80-bed ICU has latest equipment like ventilators defibrillators, ECG, Intra-aortic balloon-pump. The ICU design at AHI has set a standard in the country. As Dr. D'Silva, Director of ICU points out "This Design coupled with strict aseptic protocol has contributed to AHI achieving the lowest infection rate.
The patient rooms are a harmonious place to recuperate, with soothing lighting and terrace gardens. Relatives can spend time in beautifully appointed waiting rooms that have Internet connection, or visit the prayer room. There's also a 5-star cafeteria that offers a hygienic multi-cuisine dining experience.
Preventive Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation Preventive Cardiology services are aimed at reducing cardiac risk factors and helping a person avoid future heart disease.
The center uses advanced wireless ECG technology to monitor the safety of the patients.
The Physiotherapy department at the institute provides a comprehensive service to the community with high-tech equipment and a skilled staff. Says Dr. Anjana Laungani, Chief Physiotherapist: "The skillful techniques used by the physiotherapists assist the lungs to function better, thereby reducing respiratory complications and enhancing recovery after cardiac surgery.
AHI has also pioneered the first fully digital panel cathlab in Mumbai. The flat panel technology promises highest level of clarity of the angiogram without any loss of detail.
The largest cardiac theatre in Asia. It has a joint less stainless steel structure covered with special antibacterial, anti-fungal paint imported from UK; jointless linoleum flooring imported from Germany on patient floors and OTs to prevent growth of bacteria; imported minipleat filters from France used in the air conditioning to maintain absolute sterility; and a fully computerized automated anaesthesia management system.
Over a short span of 2 years, Asian Heart Institute which aims to provide world class cardiac care to patients at a reasonable cost has achieved the following list of achievements to its credit:
- Completion (4,00,000 ft2 construction) in record 19 months
- Large number of Complex Angioplasties successfully dealt.
- Non-surgical closure of complex heart defects.
25% of the total cardiac surgeries performed in Mumbai are done at Asian Heart Institute. Over-2000-bypass surgeries in short span of 2 years.
- Highest number of Electrophysiology procedures.
- Will soon house the first dedicated Pediatric Cardiac Unit in Western India.
AHIRC with futuristic approach, partners in ongoing international trials with WIH, USA and Thrombosis Research Institute, U.K.
- AHIRC has recently been recognized for DNB postgraduate study in cardiology.
Out of 200 private operators in the Country, Asian Heart Institute stands 5th as compared to other service providers, which are 20 years old. 200 private operators in the Country, Asian Heart Institute stands 5th as compared to other service providers, which are 20 years old.