Bariatric Surgery
Jubilee hills, Hyderabad
Clinical Focus and Expertise
Bariatric surgery
Gastric Banding
Sleeve resection
gastric bypass and Ileal transposition and all advanced laparoscopic surgeries
Surgeon with 11 years of experience
Faculty Experience
Examiner for the Royal college of surgeons of England, London for the postgraduate exams MRCS.
Recent publication on the use of Tristaple Technology in Bariatric surgery.
FICS - international College of surgeons, USA in 2002.
FRCS - Royal College of surgeons in Ireland in 1995
M.S (Gen. Surgery) - Guntur Medical college, Guntur in 1992
MBBS - Guntur medical college in 1987
Conferences and Seminars
Invited Faculty to chair sessions in ABSCON, Apollo Bariatric conference held in Chennai on 21st
and 22ndof Jan,2012.
Attended Bariatric surgery update and attachment in Homerton University hospital in London,UK
between 1st to 12th Dec 2011.
Presented a paper - Bariatric surgery, Indian perspective in APASICON held at Vijayawada, AP,
India in Sep 2010.
Presented a paper - Gastric Sleeve Resection, is it emerging as the primary bariatric procedure
in Asia ? - in the APASICON 09 held in Warangal, Sep 09
Attended as an Indian delegate
Paris, France in Aug 2009.
Delivered a talk on - Obesity surgery, the Asian Perspective - in the CME section of NATS, North
American Telugu Society, Orlando,Florida in July 2009
Chaired the session in Gynaecological laparoscopic society of India, held in Hyderabad in June
Attended the national conference of AMASI held in Mumbai, april 2009.
Attended the SELSI , society of endoscopic and lapascopic surgeons of India, held at Agra in
Attended and chaired a session in the Metasurg 2008, held in Mumbai 2008.
Attended and chaired a session in the the national conference of AMASI held in Jaipur in Feb
Attended as an Indian delegate and poster presentation in the SAGES held in Los Vegas, USA in
april 2007.
Attended the 5th national congress of Obesity surgery, OSSICON 2007 held in Chennai in March
Attended IASG,Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology national conference held at
Kochi, Sep 2004.
Attended LAPARO SURG 2003 held at Coimbatore in 2003.
Attended LAPARO SURG 2001 held at Coimbatore in 2001.
Early Gastric cancer, my Japanese experience, presented the paper in the National IMA
conference held in Hyderabad in 2001.
"What is new in Gastro-intestinal Surgery" in Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds between 4th and 5th
of June 99.
Eurosurgery 98 held in BUDAPEST, HUNGRY held between 17 to 21 June 98.
Association of Surgeons in Great Britain and Ireland - Meeting in Edinburgh Conference Centre,
13th to 15th May 1998.
Advanced Laparoscopic Skills Course - LIMIT - Leeds General Infirmary Oct - 97.
3rd Annual Hepato Biliary Masterclass - Royal Liverpool University HospitalApril - 97.
Therapeutic ERCP Skills Course - Leicester Royal Infirmary Jan - 1997.
Basic Laparoscopic Skills Course, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds. October 1996.
Anastomosis Workshop at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge June 1996.
Ionising Radiation Protection Course at Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds April 1996
Vascular Anastomosis Workshop at Prince Philip Hospital, Llanelli, S.Wales.September 1995.
Surgical Oncology Workshop at Tata Memorial Centre, Bombay, India.May 1991.
Continuing Medical Education at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India.September 1989.
Research and Publications
"Pain control in acute abdomen" a prospective study done in Monklands Hospital between Jan 98
to Aug 98
"Ilel Pouch - Anal Anastomosis with and without covering Ileostomy - A randomised control
study" "A Study of Parotid Swellings" February 1989 - February 1992. Dissertation submitted to the
University of Health Sciences, A.P, India.
Risk factors leading to ITU admission following Oesophago-gastrectomy, Hairmyres experience
presented on 30-10-98 in the annural meeting of West of Scotland Surgical Association in the Royal
College of Surgeons in GLASGOW.
Life member of OSSI, Obesity surgeon's society of India
Life member of ASI, Association of Surgeons of India.
Life member of IMA, Indian Medical Association.
Member of SAGES, Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons.
Member of ASGBI, Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland.
Founder member of AMASI, Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India.
Founder member of AIAARO, All India Association for Advancing Research in Obesity.