Complex Gastro-intestinal tract Surgeries Medical Value Travelers from Zimbabwe to India

Complex Gastro-intestinal tract surgeries: Advantage India
Gastro-intestinal (GI) tract comprises organs such as Esophagus, stomach, intestine, gall bladder, liver, pancreas, etc. Conditions affecting GI tract would be cancer, gall stones, tumors, hernia, cysts, etc. Laparoscopic surgeries can be sometimes performed; but sometimes surgeon may need to resort to more invasive and complex surgeries. In India, the medical experts have the breadth of knowledge that they have seen and treated every possible disorder affecting the GI tract; and the depth of knowledge to define the most appropriate course of action for those conditions. The hospitals have world class infrastructure to complement the know-how of the surgeons.
The surgeons have their training in some of the world class institutes in India and abroad. So, they have seen all possible conditions of the digestive system or GI tract. Due to the surgeon’s focus on constant innovation, such surgeries in India have remained surprisingly affordable.
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India & International : +91-9373055368
There are precise treatments available for disorders of GI tract or digestive system. Patients from all over the world come to India for complex GI tract surgeries because the cost is much more reasonable but the quality of the health care is excellent. Health care facilities use advanced tools for surgeries to treat GI tract disorders ranging from cysts to cancer and hernia to gall stones. The use of latest technologies in India meets the international standards and therefore a lot of international patients visit India for complex GI tract surgeries.
The latest information technology tools have made the world flat. Seeking health care abroad is, therefore, an additional option available to patients. A large number of patients are taking advantage of complex GI tract surgeries available in India. Medical value travel industry has been working with the governmental bodies to make travelling to India for surgical procedures as easy as possible for the international patients.
Critical shortage of expert medical staff in Zimbabwe
Even though basic healthcare and reproductive healthcare are guaranteed in the constitution of Zimbabwe, the ground reality is opposite. Zimbabwe faces shortage of medical staff due to neglect and underfunding. The best medical staff has emigrated. The remainder medical staff does not have adequate medical facilities to even provide the basic healthcare needs for the ailing population in the country. The situation is even worse for complex GI tract surgeries.
Economics 101 would then dictate that the handful surgeons are able to command premium rates for conducting GI tract surgeries. This would make it unaffordable for most but the well off Zimbabweans to receive the care they need. But capping the compensation of these experts would mean they would emigrate. Therefore, for their surgical needs, Zimbabweans have to look for places such as India where such surgeries are readily available and at affordable prices.
Gastro-intestinal tract surgery patients from Zimbabwe to India
Patients from Zimbabwe have been traveling abroad for medical treatments for years. Many travel to neighboring African countries such as South Africa, Mozambique, etc.; some travel to countries as far away as India, Singapore, Dubai, etc. India has received several thousand medical value travelers from Zimbabwe since 2010. The lower cost of healthcare in India compared to US and South Africa is the main aspect that attracts Zimbabweans to travel to India. A surgery could cost as little as 30% in India as it would in South Africa.
The growth potential of medical value travel business from Zimbabwe to India for GI tract surgical procedures can be estimated. Complex GI tract surgical procedures remain one of the top 4 procedures for which international patients travel to India. One can estimate about 10% patients visit India for such surgical procedures. If 2,000 Zimbabweans visit India every year, about 200 would be visiting for complex GI tract surgeries alone. Cost would be the key point of attraction for Zimbabweans to visit India for their orthopedic treatments. But quality of the healthcare, brand name of various hospitals in India and the expertise of the surgeons are the other drivers. Estimates are that about 17,000 Zimbabweans travel to South Africa for their medical treatments every year. With as much as 70% cost savings in India compared to South Africa, Economics 101 dictates that all these patients would choose to travel to India. With numbers this big, one would wonder why the medical value travel companies and hospitals in India are not salivating like the proverbial Pavlovian dog!
The hospitals and medical staff in India have the right expertise and state-of-the-art equipment to conduct even the most complex GI tract surgeries. Zimbabwe faces critical shortage of expert doctors. This is true of any field such as complex GI tract surgeries, orthopedic, cardiac or spine surgeries. Therefore, Zimbabweans need to travel abroad to seek complex GI tract surgical procedures. Zimbabweans travel to neighboring African countries primarily; for example nearly 17,000 travel to South Africa yearly. The cost of complex surgeries is about 3 times higher in South Africa compared to that in India. Indeed, several thousand Zimbabweans have traveled to India for their medical treatment since 2010. The projected growth potential would be eye-popping for marketing departments at medical value travel companies and hospitals in India. India has the right attributes: expert doctors, advanced equipment and most importantly low cost to ensure more Zimbabweans travel to India for complex GI tract surgeries and other medical procedures.
At any Given Point to Send Us a Medical Query : Click Here
Phone Numbers Reach Us-
India & International : +91-9373055368
About Indian Hospitals
India offers some of the best medical treatments in the world. The private hospitals in India have excellent reputation and our healthcare sector has sustained enormous boom in recent years. Despite the prejudices about healthcare in developing countries, rest assured that the cancer surgery hospitals in India are at the forefront of medical technology and are well equipped with the modern state of the art technology and highly qualified and experienced cancer surgeons. Indian doctors are considered the best in the world with the high level of surgical expertise that evolves from many years of training.
Hygiene in private hospitals in India is excellent and the Zimbabwe patients seeking cardiac surgery are screened for HIV and Hbs Ag antibodies to prevent the transmission of communicable diseases and incidence of MRSA is minimal. The operation theatres have laminar air flow installed and gaining the ISO9001 standardisation, a voluntary standardisation run b a nongovernmental body where the hospitals must pass rigorous tests to be certified is increasingly becoming popular in the hospitals and the clinics.
Medical Visa Information for Patients from Zimbabwe to India
One would need a medical visa if he/she is travelling to India for his/her treatment. The availability, criteria and eligibility of getting a medical visa matters. Hence we provide all the information about the medical visa lest it becomes tricky or confusing.
The High Commission of India, Harare in Zimbabwe, the primary considerations to grant a medical visa includes the serious ailments such as cardiac problems, congenital disorders, neurosurgery, joint replacements, plastic surgery, renal disorders, organ transplantation, ophthalmic disorders, and radiotherapy and gene therapy. The list of treatments is non-exhaustive.
- The sole purpose of travel should be undergoing medical treatment in India.
- The applicant should seek medical treatments at reputed/specialized/recognized hospitals in India.
- Two medical attendants are allowed to travel with the patient which could be his/her family members, associated or relatives.
Documents required for submission of Visa Application to India for Zimbabwean nationals
- Online registered/duly filled in Visa application form signed by the applicant.
- One photographs conforming to specifications and photo may be uploaded during registration.
- Return air tickets and copy of applicants Passport along with the original Passport.
- Letter from the local hospital/doctor and/or Certificate from doctor/hospital after examination of the patient’s condition, requirements and availability of the treatment in India. Complete copies of treatment record from the local hospital.
- Letter from the Indian hospital showing the name of patient & attendant and estimate medical treatment cost, which must also be mailed by the hospital authorities to Embassy’s mail box
- If the patient is on Medical aid and letter from Medical Aid Society confirming patient’s admissibility for medical treatment in India and Guarantee from the Medical Aid society for the treatment expenses and proof of fund transfer to India.
- Latest Bank statement. The Account’s statement should be certified by the bank and must indicate applicant’s full name & address showing enough funds to conduct the trip.
- In case of someone else bank-statement, please enclose the affidavit of the person sponsoring the expenses along with the copy of the photo identity card / passport bearing the ink-signed signature of the sponsor.
- Proof of relationship of attendant accompanying the patient and/or a letter indicating relationship.
- A separate letter giving full details of previous visits to India, including periods of stay.
- If a third party is sponsoring the patient and attendant, then please enclose the affidavit of the person sponsoring the expenses along with the copy of the photo identity card / passport bearing the ink-signed signature of the sponsor and his bank attested bank-statement. The affidavit should clearly mention the relation and/or reason for sponsoring the patient and attendant and the Sponsor should take all responsibility for the conduct & return from India of the sponsored persons.
- Third party sponsoring is not allowed for terminal illness treatment.
- Visa fee in Cash/USD
Before applying for visa, please ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months from the date of your application.
Zimbabwean Patient Undergoes Advanced Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in India
Mr. Dorcas Chikondi From Zimbabwe
“I am Dorcas Chikondi from Zimbabwe. I was suffering from symptomatic gallstones for which surgery was must. I had made up my mind for the surgery but the hospitals in Zimbabwe are backward in terms of quality and trained professionals when compared to those of other countries. Hence my wife was hesitant for me to receive treatment there and started searching for a country that could provide better treatment in the same cost. It was during her research that she came across India Laparoscopy Surgery Site, which is a medical tourism firm in India. The services offered by them were distinct and the packages introduced by them were ideal for us too. Thus we proceeded with them for my surgery.”
“On the day of our arrival itself the experts had scheduled an appointment with the best laparoscopic surgeon. There was not a single day when I wasn’t received with warmth and compassion. I underwent a laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in the following week. My wife was very happy to see me getting the best treatment, that too at an affordable cost and I could see how satisfied she was about our decision to come to India.”
“I thank the team of India Laparoscopy Surgery Site for availing the best treatment and keeping up with all our requirements throughout my treatment in India. I shall refer this firm to all my friends and relatives back in Zimbabwe. It was truly a wholesome experience with them.”
Visa invitation letter
When you are applying for a medical visa, a visa invitation letter is required. A visa invitation letter is a formal document that is sent to the patient from the Indian hospital that sanctions his/her medical treatment in that hospital in India.
This also serves the purpose of a proof that the patient has indeed contacted with Indian hospital and will be having his or her treatment there. The visa invitation letter consists of the patient details, details of his/her ailment, treatment procedure and duration of the treatment involved. Hence it is an important and mandatory document required during the application and for the sanction of a medical visa to the patient.
Embassy Information
Mr. S. Rajendran
Designation: Commercial Officer
Phone No: 00263 4 795955, 00263 4 704670
Email ID:
Address: No. 12, Natal Road Belgravia, Post Box 4620, Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone no: 00263-4-795955 - 56, 792523
Fax: 00263-4-795958, 795413
Email ID:
Emergency Numbers
Phone: 00263-4-795955
Mobile: 00263-772125327
Travelers visiting India must possess a valid "Yellow Fever Vaccination" card if they are transiting or have transited through a Yellow Fever Zone.
- Flight & Travel from Zimbabwe to India
- Harare, Zimbabwe (HRE) to Mumbai, India (BOM)
- Bulawayo, ZI (BUQ) to New Delhi, IN (DEL)
- Harare, Zimbabwe (HRE) to Chennai, IN (MAA)
- Harare, Zimbabwe (HRE) to Bangalore, IN (BLR)
Common Flights to Zimbabwe to India
At any Given Point to Send Us a Medical Query : Click Here
Phone Numbers Reach Us-
India & International : +91-9373055368
Other Common Procedure for Which Zimbabwe Patients Come to India are