Dr. Milind S. Wagh
MBBS, MS, M.Ch (Plastic Surgery)
Consultant Plastic, Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgeon
Face and Ear Reconstructive & Microsurgeon
Ex-Associate Professor in Plastic Surgery,
Department of Plastic, Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery,
okmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital,Sion, Mumbai -- 400 022, INDIA.

Bhatia General Hospital, Tardeo
Cumballa Hill Hospital and Research Centre, Cames Corner
Sujay Hospital, Vile Parle
August 31, 1964
English, Marathi, Hindi, Konkani, Gujarati & Bangla
Bombay University,India
Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion, Mumbai
M.Ch (Plastic Surgery)
Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion, Mumbai
M.Ch (Plastic Surgery)
Bombay University,India
Topiwala National Medical College, Bombay Central, Mumbai
M.S (General Surgery)
Topiwala National Medical College, Bombay Central, Mumbai
M.S (General Surgery)
Bombay University,India
Topiwala National Medical College, Bombay Central, Mumbai
Topiwala National Medical College, Bombay Central, Mumbai
Jan 16, 1992 - Jun 22, 1994
(Teaching experience of 2 years and 6 months) Resident in Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery Unit under Dr R.L.Thatte
L.T.M.G Hospital, Sion, Mumbai
(Teaching experience of 2 years and 6 months) Resident in Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery Unit under Dr R.L.Thatte
L.T.M.G Hospital, Sion, Mumbai
Jun 23,1994 - Jan 31, 1997
(Teaching experience of 2 years and 7 months) Clinical Lecturer in Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery Unit under Dr R.L.Thatte
L.T.M.G Hospital, Sion, Mumbai
(Teaching experience of 2 years and 7 months) Clinical Lecturer in Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery Unit under Dr R.L.Thatte
L.T.M.G Hospital, Sion, Mumbai
Feb 1, 1997 - Jan 31, 1998
(Teaching experience of 1 year) Research/Clinical Fellow in Microsurgery,
Bernard O'Brien Institute of Microsurgery, Melbourne, Australia
( Director - Professor Wayne A. Morrison ) &
Clinical Assistant, Dept of Plastic Surgery,
St.Vincents'Group of Hospitals, Melbourne, Australia
( Chairman - Dr Allan McLeod )
(Teaching experience of 1 year) Research/Clinical Fellow in Microsurgery,
Bernard O'Brien Institute of Microsurgery, Melbourne, Australia
( Director - Professor Wayne A. Morrison ) &
Clinical Assistant, Dept of Plastic Surgery,
St.Vincents'Group of Hospitals, Melbourne, Australia
( Chairman - Dr Allan McLeod )
Feb 1,1998 - Oct 2, 2003
(Teaching experience of 5 yrs and 8 mths) Senior Clinical Lecturer in Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery Unit under Dr Mukund Jagannathan
L.T.M.G Hospital, Sion, Mumbai
(Teaching experience of 5 yrs and 8 mths) Senior Clinical Lecturer in Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery Unit under Dr Mukund Jagannathan
L.T.M.G Hospital, Sion, Mumbai
Oct 3, 2003 to Dec 31, 2005
Teaching experience of 2 years and 3 months) Associate Professor in Plastic Surgery
Department of Plastic Surgery
L.T.M.G Hospital, Sion, Mumbai
Teaching experience of 2 years and 3 months) Associate Professor in Plastic Surgery
Department of Plastic Surgery
L.T.M.G Hospital, Sion, Mumbai
Reconstructive Hand and Microsurgery AND Trauma Reconstruction
Free tissue transfers- emergency and elective
Replantations and revascularisations of amputated limbs and digits
Clinical applications and future possibilities in composite tissue allotransplantations for complex defects.
Expanded / Prefabricated free tissue transfer in functional reconstruction as well as aesthetic surgery.
Physiology and clinical applications of the process of controlled angiogenesis.
Congenital hand anomalies --- salvage of function & rehabilitation.
Functional reconstructions in post burns hand and extremity deformities.
Cosmetic rehabilitation using plastic surgery including tissue expansion, free tissue transfers & Prefabricated flaps in severe composite tissue losses in burns.
Complex post-traumatic hand injuries and reconstructions / rehabilitation.
Mechanics of tendon transfers in peripheral nerve injuries, brachial plexus injuries and post-infective palsies.
Functional and aesthetic reconstructive options in post- ablative defects in Head-Face-Neck tumours including composite free tissue transfers.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Breast augmentation by breast implants
Aesthetic Breast reduction surgeries
Breast ptosis correction (correction of sagging breasts)
Body contouring and Liposculpture by surgical lipectomies, body lifts and liposuction
Blepharoplasty (Aesthetic eyelid surgery)
Eyelid Ptosis correction
Soft tissue filling and contour corrections by fat injections and use of fillers.
Facelifts, Browlifts, Necklifts
Surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation
Ear reconstruction in congenital absence /deformities and acquired deformities
Dermabrasion for facial contour deformities, acne scars etc
Fellowship in Microsurgery
Fellowship of 1 year for advanced training in clinical microsurgery and microsurgical research successfully completed at St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia & the Bernard O'Brien Institute of Microsurgery, Melbourne, Australia. (February 1997-January 1998)
M.Ch ( Plastic Surgery)
Second Rank among all candidates appearing at the Bombay University examination, May 1994
M.S ( General Surgery)
Second rank among candidates appearing from T.N.M College for the Bombay University examination, Jan 1991
First Class with Distinction in Surgery at the Bombay University examination, Oct 1986
First Class at the Bombay University examination, April 1985
First Class with Distinction in Anatomy at the Bombay University examination, Oct 1983
First Class with Distinction
First Class with Distinction ( First in Eastern Region)
Hargobind Foundation Fellowship for the year 1997 for advanced training in Microsurgery.
Birla Smarak Kosh Scholarship for the year 1997 for advanced training in Microsurgery.
First Prize in the All-India APSI Quiz in Plastic Surgery at the 28th National Conference of APSI, Bangalore,1993.
Special award for paper presentation and content in the APSI Best paper category at the 28th National Conference of APSI Bangalore, 1993.
Nominated for the Best Residents' Award for the year 1990-91, Nair Hospital.
Dr R.T.Desai Prize for securing the highest marks in Surgery for M.S (General Surgery) registered candidates.
Dr R.L.Shah's Prize & Dr A. L. Nair and M. Venkatrao's Prize for securing the highest marks in Surgery at III MBBS University Exam, Oct 1986.
Master Vishwanath Sambhoo Scholarship for securing the highest marks in Surgery at the competitive Exam in Surgery, held by T.N.M. College in 1986.
Felicitation reward of the North Canara Goud Saraswat Brahmin Community in November 1998
Aesthetic Surgeries
Rhinoplasties including septorhinoplasties - hump reductions, osteotomies, onlay cartilage & bone grafts, tip work
Abdominal lipectomies, Body lifts
Liposuction & Liposculpturing
Eyelid ptosis surgery
Augmentation Mammoplasties using Breast implants and autogenous tissues (Lat.Dorsi flaps)
Reduction Mammoplasties
Mastopexies for breast ptosis
Facelifts, Browlifts, necklifts
Facial contour correction by fat injections and fillers
Non-surgical facial rejuvenation
One stage Pinna reconstruction using costochondral framework and temporalis fascia
Multistage Pinna reconstruction using buried costochondral framework
Nasal reconstruction following post-traumatic defects using forehead flaps ( Expanded and Non-expanded ), nasolabial island flaps, medial arm flaps, free radial forearm flaps
Reduction Cheiloplasties
Post-traumatic / Post-malignancy lip reconstructions
Eyebrow / Moustache reconstruction using flaps / hair bearing grafts
Fat injections
Hair transplants
Microvascular Surgeries
Radial Artery Forearm sensate free flap - fasciocutaneous as well as purely fascial flaps
Prefabricated radial forearm free flaps for Ear reconstruction & Tracheal reconstruction
Lateral Arm sensate free flap
Parascapular & Scapular free flaps
Tensor Fascia Lata sensate free flap
Anterolateral thigh flap
Latissimus Dorsi muscle and musculocutaneous free flaps
Serratus anterior muscle with ribs & Latissimus dorsi muscle free composite tissue transfer
for complex leg defects
for cranial and scalp reconstruction
Free fibular transfers for tibial defects and mandibular reconstruction
Free iliac crest (DCIA) transfer for tibial defects and mandibular reconstruction
Second Toe transfers for thumb reconstruction
Great toe wraparound flaps for thumb reconstruction
Gracilis muscle free flap for extremity defects and for facial palsy
Gracilis and latissimus dorsi free functional muscle transfers
Cross facial nerve transfers with gracilis free muscle transfer for facial palsy
Rectus Abdominis muscle free flap
DIEP flaps for Breast reconstruction
Saphenous venous flow-through free flaps
Replantation of hand and upper extremity - mid palm / wrist / forearm / elbow/ upper arm levels
Replantation of thumb and multiple fingers - MP joint / Proximal Phalanx / Middle Phalanx/ Distal phalanx levels including avulsion injuries
Revascularisation of hand and upper extremity - wrist / forearm / elbow / upper arm levels
Revascularisation of lower extremity - knee / upper 1/3rd of leg / ankle level
Median / Ulnar / Radial Nerve microneural anastomoses and repair at various levels from palm to upper arm to axilla including nerve grafting
Posterior tibial / Peroneal / Anterior tibial Artery and Nerve microneurovascular repairs in post-traumatic cases and nerve grafting
Brachial plexus reconstructions and repairs - (Trunk / Division / Cord levels)
Acute Primary repair in penetrating injuries
Secondary Neurolysis
Reneurotization by Cable grafting
Reneurotisation by nerve transfers incl. Spinal Accessory Nerve and Intercostal Nerve transfers.
Free Functional muscle transfers
Penile replantation and revascularizations
Hand Surgeries
Post-traumatic Primary, delayed primary and secondary Flexor & Extensor tendon repairs at all possible levels and in all possible zones including complete , multiple level "Spaghetti Wrist" injuries
Tenolysis / Tendon grafting
Staged flexor tendon reconstruction for thumb and all fingers using Silastic Rods
Entire spectrum of all possible tendon transfers for Median / Ulnar / Radial Nerve palsies and combined palsie
Congenital Hand anomalies - Syndactyly, Polydactyly, Clinodactyly, Camptodactyly, Macrodactyly, Lobster claw "cleft" hand, Hypoplastic / Absent thumb
Primary reconstructions in complex mutilating hand injuries including #-fixation, bone grafting, tendon repair, neurovascular repair and flap cover - Planning and undertaking staged surgery based on a long term reconstructive program aimed at restoration of function and rehabilitation
Reconstruction in Post-burn deformities of the hand & upper extremity
Application of JESS / UMEX distractors for correction of post-burn and other deformities of the fingers/wrist
Pollicisations using index or middle finger
Late extensor tendon reconstructions for correction of Boutonniere, Swan-neck, Mallet finger deformities as well as Extrinsic and intrinsic tightness.
Thumb and 1st web reconstructions with distally based radial artery forearm flaps or posterior interosseous artery flap
Neurovascular island flaps &1st dorsal metacarpal artery sensate island flap for thumb pulp / fingertip cover
Homodigital Local flaps for fingertip / volar / dorsal finger and thumb defects
Surgeries for hand tumors - AV malformations, lymphangiomas, Schwannomas, fibrolipomas etc.
Dermofasciectomies and extensive digitopalmar fasciectomies for correction of Dupuytren's Contracture
Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgeries & HFN Reconstructions
Fractures of the maxilla - Lefort I, II, III --- Open Reduction and Internal Fixation, bone grafting.
Orbital wall and floor reconstruction
Fractures of the mandible - compound / multiple / bone loss --- Open Reduction and Internal Fixation, Bone Grafting, Stabilisation with External fixator systems, Vacularised bone grafts.
Emergency and elective Bony & Soft tissue reconstructions, both in complex craniomaxillofacial anomalies and trauma
Facial Augmentations in Hemifacial Microsomia, Rhomberg'sDisease, Treacher-Collins Syndrome using bone grafts, free microvascular (vascularised), fascial and de-epithelialised flaps
Reconstructions following ablative surgeries for malignancies
Cranioplasties for post-traumatic defects
Release & Reconstructions in Temporomandibular joint ankylosis
Gap arthroplasties with / without interposition temporalis fascia
Costochondral graft for condyle replacement
Sliding genioplasties for microgenia
Mandibular augmentations for micrognathia using bone grafts and mandibular border advancement osteotomies
Nasomaxillary setback osteotomies for maxillary occlusal overjets
Socket reconstructions with dermis fat grafts, skin grafts, lateral wall osteotomies.
Free tissue transfers and pedicled flaps for HFN reconstructions following ablative excisions in HFN malignancy.
Cleft lip & Cleft palate surgeries
Unilateral and bilateral Cleft lip repairs using various techniques
Median cleft lip repairs
Reconstructions in Rare craniofacial clefts including coloboma correction / symblepharon release and grafting / socket reconstruction
Veau-Wardill-Kilner pushback palatorrhaphy for cleft palate
Furlow's intravelar Z-plasty
Dorrance repair for secondary clefts
Free microvascular radial artery fascial flap for primary repair of cleft palate
Primary Repairs of cleft palate using Tongue flap
Repair of palatal fistulae using tongue flap
Posterior pharyngeal flaps for VPI
Hynes / Orticochoea / Jackson dynamic pharyngoplasties
Vomer resections / Premaxillary setbacks in bilateral clefts
Cleft Rhinoplasties - Unilateral and Bilateral
Alveolar bone grafting in clefts
Primary emergency surgeries for rare maxillomandibular fusion syndromes
Flap Surgeries
All types of muscle, musculocutaneous, fasciocutaneous and pedicled skin flaps in the upper & lower extremity, HFN and trunk
Pedicled and free flap reconstructions in HFN malignancy
Scalp Transposition and Rotation Flaps
Temporalis fascia flaps
Eyelid reconstructions by lid switch flaps, cheek rotation flaps, chondromucosal grafts
Washio flaps for nose reconstruction
Forehead and nasolabial flaps for nose reconstruction / post-malignancy ablation cover
Medial arm ( Tagliacozzi ) flap for nose reconstruction
Deltopectoral / Pectoralis major flaps for HFN reconstruction
Cervicopectoral flaps
Pectoralis major / Rectus abdominis flaps for sternal dehiscence in Cardiac surgery
Rotation flaps for coverage of exposed cardiac pacemakers
Radial artery forearm flaps --- proximally & distally based
Extracorporeal Radial artery forearm flaps for post-traumatic defects, e.g scalp, face, lower extremity
Axial pattern and random pattern abdominal flaps for upper extremity cover
Regional pedicled and Island flaps for coverage of pressure sores
Multiple superiorly and inferiorly based fasciocutaneous flaps for tibial defects
Crossleg flaps
Gracilis flaps for testicular cover in Fournier's Gangrene, protecting the suture line in bladder exstrophy corrections; gracilis slings for correction of fecal incontinence
Gastrocnemius and soleus flaps
Dorsalis pedis flaps for ankle cover
Medial plantar and local muscle flaps for plantar / heel defects
Adipofascial flaps and reverse sural artery flaps for lower extremity defects
Saphenous and Cephalic venous flaps
De-epithelialised turnover flaps
A multitude of Perforator flaps in upper and lower extremities, trunk, perineal area and HFN.
Other major surgeries
Tissue expansion for facial defects and scars / alopecia / scars and deformities in extremities
Temporalis Fascia and Muscle slings for facial reanimation
Fascial frontalis slings for ptosis correction
Levator resection for ptosis
Dermis fat grafts for anophthalmic orbital volume restoration
Lid ectropion / entropion releases
Hypospadias - primary single staged preputial island flap repairs
Hypospadias - multistaged primary & fistula repairs
Giant AV malformations on face / scalp
Plexiform Neurofibromatosis
Lymphoedema - Congenital & Filarial - affecting lower extremity, penis and scrotum, labia and clitoris
Replantation of completely avulsed entire scalp and face
Superior gluteal free flap for breast reconstruction
Ulnar / Radial club hand correction
MPjoint and PIP joint replacement arthroplasties for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Wrist Arthroscopies and ligament repairs
Open Reduction & Internal Fixation of Radius / Ulna fractures
Complex reconstructions in craniofacial syndromes
LeFort I/ II osteotomies
Sagittal split osteotomies for prognathism / retrognathism
Procedures for Penile lengthening in post-traumatic partial and near-total losses