Bariatric surgery is a common terminology, which is referred for the weight-loss surgeries. These surgeries effective for people who happen to be severely obese and after trying all the the non-surgical methods of losing weight, they take resort to the surgery for the weight-loss. The bariatric surgery is of different types wherein different approaches are used to get rid of the weight loss along with retaining the same. However, if you talk about the minimally invasive one, carried out with the help of a small size video camera usually known as the laparoscope. This gives the weight loss surgery as the laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Since the surgery happens to be a minimally invasive procedure, it come along with several benefits, which are hard to find out at any other surgery. Well, time to dig in deep to get more about the Laparoscopic Bariatric surgery as under:
The Candidate for Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
When it comes to the candidate for Laparoscopic Bariatric surgery, the patients need to suffice the following conditions:
- The person should be with BMI 40 or higher
- The individuals having BMI 35 to 39.9 and are seen underlying the obesity related health issues including the cardiovascular disease, sleep disorders, type -2 diabetes, stroke, chronic acid reflux, and hypertension.
- In some rare cased, the individual having the BMI 30-34 along with having the life threatening weight-related issues can be the ray of hope for the patients
What to Expect After Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
Once you get the Laparoscopic Bariatric surgery, the patients are often kept away from food for 2-3 days to make sure that the healing of the stomach and intestine is kept right. After third day the patient is then given the liquid diet along with giving the patient the soft diet in the next coming days. The patient is then has to follow certain specific plan which has to be followed for few weeks after the surgery. Then the patient has to come a routine checkup so as to check whether the result after the surgery is retained or not. The lab test is carried out in order to have a look at the other issues like body aches, hair loss, fatigue,dry skin and even the mood swing in first few months which is not more than six months after the weight loss surgery. These issues can be seen among the patients only due to the drastic weight loss that tend to take place in the first few months after the said surgery.
Benefits of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
When it comes to the Laparoscopic Bariatric surgeries they are not often called as the quick-fix surgery; as it demands for a careful monitoring of diet along with proper and regular work out sessions. Then one can end up expecting the weight-loss after this surgery. With the apt lifestyle modifications, the people are seen losing up to the half of the extra body weight, which is seen within the first two years after weight loss surgery. With the weight loss surgery you can have a control over other medical conditions as well, which include the cardiovascular disease, sleep disorders, type -2 diabetes, stroke, chronic acid reflux and hypertension.
Life After Weight Loss Surgery
The weight loss is seen occuring at the desired rate in a span of time since it cannot be called as an instant. It is often seen coming along with the sheer hard work making a number of lifestyle changes, which are needed for the long term results of the said surgery. With a proper diet and cool fiber and mineral along with the vitamins, one can augment the effective results for the weight loss surgery.
If you are a candidate of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery then get information and support from India Laparoscopy Surgery Consultants by sending your inquiry to info@indialaparoscopysurgerysite.com or call +91-9373055368.
Read Also :- Reasonable Cost of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery in India Making Weight Loss Viable for Medical Tourists